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BSSSC Annual Conference 2015

The 23rd BSSSC Annual Conference “Digital Agenda – New Chances and Challenges for the Regions of the Baltic Sea” will take place at the Visby Strand Congress & Event Center, Visby, Sweden, from 23rd to 25th of September 2015.

The Annual Conference gathers around 150 participants from political and administrative level (local, regional, national and EU level) as well as representatives from academia, organizations, NGOs and the private sector from the 11 countries taking part in the Baltic Sea co-operation. The conference will cover traditional BSSSC policy areas such as transport, culture and youth from innovative perspectives. Speakers include representatives of the Committee of the Regions, CBSS, CPMR, BDF and many more.

Part of the conference will be “Interreg – turning ideas into projects” session. In the 25th anniversary year of the Interreg cooperation, the Central Baltic, South Baltic and Baltic Sea Region Interreg Programmes join forces in presenting and discussing new funding opportunities for territorial cooperation. The aim of the session is to build a dialogue between the participants and the programmes allowing for sharing, learning and encouraging the BSSSC regions to make more use of the Interreg opportunities. To this end, benefits and challenges of cooperation projects for regional authorities will be discussed and practical hints for project applications will be provided.

For more info, draft agenda and practical details please go to


Wisby Strand Congress & Event, Gotland, Gotland

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BSSSC Annual Conference 2015
Wisby Strand Congress & Event, Gotland, Gotland