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6th international evaluation conference EVALUATION RESULTS FOR DECISION-MAKING: Use, challenges and examples

Informacija lietuvių kalba

On 20-21st of May 2015 the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania organized the 6th international evaluation conference in Vilnius “Evaluation Results for Decision-Making: use challenges and examples”. The conference took place in the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania and attracted more that 160 participants from 20 different countries. Here you will find all relevant conference materials.

Final programme and abstracts

Conference presentations and papers

Conference presentations and papers (PARALLEL SESSIONS)

Conference video:

20th May PART 1

20th May PART 2

21st May PART 1

21st May PART 2

Conference pictures:

Day 1. Plenary session 1

Day 1. Plenary session 2

Day 1. Parallel session A

Day 1. Parallel session B

Day 1. Parallel session C

Day 1. Parallel session D

Day 1. Reception

Day 2


Information about the previous conferences:

5th international evaluation conference “Cohesion Policy 2014–2020: Towards Evidence Based Programming and Evaluation”, Vilnius, 3–4 July 2013

4th evaluation conference “What’s New and What Works in the EU Cohesion Policy 2007–2013: Discoveries and Lessons for 2014–2020”, Vilnius, 3–4 March 2011 and 3rd international evaluation conference “Evaluation of EU Structural Funds: reinforcing quality and utilisation”, Vilnius, 26-27 March 2009


Gedimino ave. 53, Vilnius

Contact data

+370 5 205 3542
6th international evaluation conference EVALUATION RESULTS FOR DECISION-MAKING: Use, challenges and examples
Gedimino ave. 53, Vilnius