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EIB and Šiaulių bankas renew support for urban renewal in Lithuania

Continuing their longstanding cooperation, AB Šiaulių bankas and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have signed two new agreements to support the refurbishment and modernisation of multi-apartment buildings in Lithuania with an additional EUR 110 million under the Jessica II fund, EUR 70 million of which is contributed by Šiaulių bankas.

Opening of the Twinning Project against Fraud and Irregularities of EU Funds in Skopje
22 February 2016 / Ministry of Finance

On 11 February 2016 in Skopje, at the premises of the Delegation of the European Union (EU), representatives of Lithuanian and Beneficiary Country (BC) institutions successfully launched implementation of the EU Twinning light project “Support for efficient prevention and fight against fraud and irregularities of EU funds”. It is already the 5th EU Twinning project implemented by Lithuania in the Beneficiary Country, the Republic of Macedonia.

Critical mass of 2014–2020 EU funding is directed for R&D and Innovations, Information Technologies, SME’s and Energy Efficiency
25 January 2016 / Ministry of Finance

Lithuania has successfully implemented 2007–2013 Operational Programmes. Till the end of 2015 all projects have finished their activities. More than 8 300 projects were implemented. 3/4 of Lithuanian people state, that they feel personal benefit from EU funded projects.

Embedding of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: approach in Lithuania
18 December 2015 / Ministry of Finance

Lithuania has made a plan how to embed EUSBSR into the ESIF programmes. The Lithuanian case is described in the attachment below.

Energy efficiency in Lithuania: financial instruments answered the purposecall
23 September 2015 / Ministry of Finance

Efficient energy use is a key driver for a greener economy and saving public and private expenditure. Therefore, energy efficiency is one of the main strategic objectives in the Lithuanian operational programme for the European Union Investment Funds 2014–2020.

European Commission launches competition for the best evaluations and evaluation proposals
7 August 2015 / Ministry of Finance

The European Commission invites those interested to take part in a competition for the best evaluations of EU Cohesion Policy.

Livonia Partners Reaches €70 Million First Close on Maiden Fund

Livonia Partners Fund I, a pan-Baltic private equity fund, has held its first close. Fund’s investors from the Baltics, Nordics, and Western Europe include leading pension funds, insurance companies, and developmental finance institutions. The fund plans to invest €3 to €15 million of equity and mezzanine capital per investment in 8 to 12 companies active in the Baltic and adjacent regions.

Baltic Innovation Fund will make additional funding available for SMEs

The innovative fund-of-funds investment initiative - the Baltic Innovation Fund (BIF), dedicated to boosting equity investments made into Baltic enterprises, launched by Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and the European Investment Fund (EIF), has been increased. The EUR 30 million increase of BIF is expected to translate into an additional EUR 100 million of private equity and venture capital funding available in the Baltic States over the next 5-7 years.

Evaluation results for decision making: use, challenges and examples
24 July 2015 / Ministry of Finance

On 20-21 May 2015 6th International evaluation conference “Evaluation results for decision making: Use, challenges and examples” in Vilnius was held. Conference was organized by the Lithuanian Ministry of Finance and ESTEP. The conference took place in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania.

Lithuania drives bottom-up transparency approach in the EU
19 February 2015 / Ministry of Finance

What distinguishes Lithuania on the map of EU member states preparation toward 2014-2020 frameworks is agile and also transparent preparation process. From the governance system point of view it looks similar to other EU countries, as there is a “super ministry” coordinating the EU funds related process in general, and various Management Authorities (ministries, national funds, development agencies), which operate closer to final beneficiaries.


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